Barnes and Noble offers new Nook and Amazon Kindle 3G with Special Offers

Cover of "Kindle Wireless Reading Device,...
Cover via Amazon


Amazon has launched a Kindle 3G with Special Offers. The Kindle Wi-Fi with Special Offers has been their best-selling Kindle so far. The same discount of $25 off will be offered off of the regular Kindle 3G.

Barnes and Noble, meantime, released its new wi-fi only Nook, which will compete with the Kindle Wi-Fi. Unlike the Kindle, the Nook will offer a touch screen, a two month battery. It only offers one button, compared to the Kindle’s 38, with full mini keyboard.The device runs Android 2.1.

Barnes and Noble’s basic improvement over the Kindle 3, the current king of e-ink, is to eliminate the hardware keyboard in favor of a touchscreen to allow for a smaller device with the same screen. We look forward to seeing Amazon’s response, but this is a worthy competitor to the Kindle 3.