Category: News
Gadget Wisdom is Back Again
Still Redecorating
As of today, Gadget Wisdom is now running as an https(SSL) site with the latest recommended ciphers. Sites are increasingly moving to https for security purposes, so why not us? We also are running on both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses. Special welcome if you are coming in from an expanded address space.
So, what am I doing here? I found I’ve been holding back over on my personal site,, when I talk about tech stuff because I don’t necessarily want that in my normal feed. So, I’m going to be doing it here, along with the other contributors who have been posting articles and the like.
Any comments or suggestions are always welcome.
Under New Management…Sort Of
Australian airlines ban use of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones after battery fires
Three Australian airlines have banned passengers from using or charging Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy Note 7 smartphones during flights due to concerns over the phone’s fire-prone batteries.
Can China’s Futuristic ‘Straddling Bus’ Finally Become a Reality?
First dreamed up in 1969, the bus may help Chinese cities ease traffic and curb air pollution.
What not to name your Wi-Fi hotspot
Getting online at an airport is often a far bigger hassle than it has any right to be. There are typically dozens of hotspots that are being transmitted by the devices of other passengers, hotspots…
Adding a New Component
And We’re Back
There are a lot of technology themed sites out there, and there is certainly a lot of room in the space. Looking forward to more.
In the meantime, why not subscribe, follow, like….whatever works for you. And if you have any comments or ideas, I’d love to hear them.