The Impact of Higher Interest Rates on Solar Panel ROI

As the global push for renewable energy intensifies, solar panels have become a popular choice for homeowners and businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs. However, the economic landscape is ever-changing, and one significant factor currently reshaping the solar market is the rise in interest rates. In this article, we will explore how higher interest rates are affecting the value proposition of solar panels and what it means for potential buyers.

The Financial Dynamics of Solar Investment

Investing in solar panels typically involves a substantial upfront cost, which many consumers finance through loans or leasing options. The total cost of these financing methods is heavily influenced by prevailing interest rates. When interest rates are low, borrowing is cheaper, making the transition to solar energy more financially attractive. Conversely, higher interest rates increase the cost of borrowing, which can dampen the financial appeal of solar investments.

Increased Borrowing Costs

Higher interest rates directly impact the monthly payments on loans used to finance solar panel installations. For example, a homeowner taking out a $20,000 loan for solar panels at a 3% interest rate would pay approximately $360 per month over five years. If the interest rate rises to 5%, the monthly payment jumps to about $377. This increase might seem modest, but over the life of the loan, it adds significant cost.

For many consumers, the primary motivation for installing solar panels is the potential for long-term savings on electricity bills. However, the increased monthly payments due to higher interest rates can offset these savings, making solar less attractive from a purely financial standpoint.

Impact on Solar Leasing and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

Not all solar panel installations are financed through loans. Many consumers opt for solar leases or power purchase agreements (PPAs), where a third party owns the panels and the consumer pays a monthly fee. These agreements are also affected by interest rates. Companies that offer leases or PPAs often finance their operations through debt. As their borrowing costs rise, they may pass these costs onto consumers in the form of higher monthly fees, thus reducing the overall savings from going solar.

Potential Mitigation Strategies

Despite the challenges posed by higher interest rates, there are strategies to mitigate their impact:

  1. Shopping Around for Financing: Consumers should compare different financing options to find the best terms. Some lenders may offer lower rates or more favorable terms that can help offset the increased costs.

  2. Government Incentives: Federal, state, and local incentives can still make solar a viable investment. Tax credits, rebates, and other incentives can significantly reduce the net cost of installation.

  3. Energy Efficiency Improvements: Combining solar panel installation with energy efficiency upgrades can enhance overall savings. Reducing energy consumption lowers the amount of electricity needed from the grid, maximizing the value of the solar investment.

The Long-Term Outlook

While higher interest rates present a challenge, the long-term value proposition of solar energy remains strong. Solar panels offer protection against rising electricity prices and provide environmental benefits. Moreover, technological advancements continue to improve the efficiency and affordability of solar panels, which can help counterbalance the impact of higher financing costs.

In conclusion, while higher interest rates do affect the immediate financial appeal of solar panels and reduce the return on investment(ROI), they do not diminish the long-term benefits and value of solar energy. By carefully considering financing options and taking advantage of available incentives, consumers can still make a wise investment in solar power.

By understanding the evolving financial landscape and staying informed, you can make the best decisions for your energy needs and contribute to a sustainable future.

Seal Your Garage Envelope With The Green Hinge System

Last week, as part of my garage door overhaul, I installed two upgrades to my garage door itself…as opposed to the upgrade to the control system(the ratgdo board). When picking out new products, I do my research.

One was the Green Hinge System. You can find the Green Hinge direct on their website, or through Amazon(click here) if you prefer. Garage door mechanics aren’t my area of expertise, but the Green Hinge system is a spring loaded hinge for garage doors. The tension of the hinge pushes the door flush to the frame. This reduces the entry of cold air, wind, dust, bugs and other critters from entering. It also makes it harder for someone to try to grab the garage door release through the gaps in the door. The Green Hinge was created by a small business owner whose garage stored items were freezing in the cold Wisconsin winter.

The installation target was an original garage door installed with the building in 1976, so the door is nearly 50 years old, and still had the original hinges. The rollers had been replaced twenty years ago or so, so replaced them with nylon rollers rated for 100,000 cycles at the same time. In order to get it to work properly we had to strip two layers of weatherstripping that not only had been on for years, but had been painted over to the point I didn’t even realize it was there(need to touch up the paint unfortunately at some point though).  The hinges don’t rattle quite as much as the 50 year old ones, although if I wanted the door to be even more silent, between that and the new rollers, I’d need to replace the garage door opener motor, track, and/or chain as well(maybe next year).

The new hinges did create another problem. Due to the slight shift in door alignment, the gap at the bottom of the door was not perfect. This was partially due to some cracked concrete I need to patch making it not level, but partially because we discovered the seal was actually nailed on on top of another, also nailed on seal. The new bottom seal uses a track, so the seal can be replaced in the track if it wears out with a new one without nailing it into the frame.

After all that, I took temperature readings. I have a sensor connected to my Home Assistant instance that sits right next to the garage door. Looking at the sensor overlaid on the outdoor temperature sensor, the temperature in the garage was higher on average during a snowstorm today than last month’s cold snap. There were no drafts. So, all in all, this was a success.

As one side note, the handyman who I hired to help install them did run into trouble due to the old weatherstripping, called the support line, and received instant support from someone with hands on installation experience. He asked for pictures and provided the key information that revealed the source of the problem, even though the handyman was skeptical. I can’t say there isn’t more cosmetic work to do when the weather gets warmer, painting, patching the concrete to level the bottom, etc. But it made an old door operate like a much younger one.

Should I Install Solar Panels on a Rental Property?

As the world increasingly embraces renewable energy sources, solar panels have become a popular option for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills. However, if you own a rental property, you might be wondering whether installing solar panels is a financially sound decision. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of installing solar panels on a rental property, helping you make an informed choice.

Pros of Installing Solar Panels on a Rental Property

1. Attract Eco-Conscious Tenants

In today’s environmentally conscious world, many renters actively seek out eco-friendly living options. Installing solar panels can make your rental property more appealing to this demographic, potentially allowing you to charge higher rent and keep your property occupied.

2. Reduced Energy Costs

Solar panels can significantly reduce electricity bills for both you and your tenants. Lower energy costs can make your rental property more attractive and competitive in the market, potentially leading to longer tenant retention.

3. Tax Benefits and Incentives

Many governments offer tax credits and incentives to property owners who invest in solar energy systems. These financial perks can offset the initial installation costs and provide a faster return on investment.

Cons of Installing Solar Panels on a Rental Property

1. High Initial Costs

Solar panel installation can be expensive, and the upfront investment might not align with your budget. You’ll need to weigh the long-term savings against the initial expense to determine if it’s financially feasible.

2. Responsibility for Maintenance

As the property owner, you would typically be responsible for the solar panels’ maintenance and any repairs. This added responsibility can be a burden, especially if you have multiple rental properties.

3. Tenant Turnover

If your tenants move frequently, you may not fully reap the benefits of solar panels. The savings from reduced energy bills may not compensate for the costs and hassle of installing and maintaining the system.


Whether or not to install solar panels on a rental property depends on your specific circumstances, budget, and long-term goals. While they can attract eco-conscious tenants and reduce energy costs, the high initial investment and maintenance responsibilities may not be suitable for everyone. Before making a decision, consult with a solar energy expert, conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis, and consider the local incentives available in your area. Ultimately, the choice should align with your financial objectives and commitment to sustainable living.

Review: AirGradient Open Air Outdoor Air Quality Kit

In my previous post, Finding The Right Outdoor Air Quality Monitor, I laid out my decision making process for purchasing the AirGradient Open Air outdoor air quality monitor kit.

Much to my surprise, right after I ordered the kit, which included 2 PMS5003T particulate sensors, and added an SGP40 NOx and VOC sensor, they stopped selling the kit I purchased. The new version bundles the SGP40 and instead of a second PMS5003T, a SenseAir S8 NDIR CO2 sensor.

The interesting thing about having an S8 and an SGP40 outside is that they are not measuring what you want them to measure per se. The CO2 sensor isn’t sensitive enough to measure exact CO2 in the atmosphere, better suited for inside, but like inside, elevated CO2 levels indicate other things.

So, to the device…I was able to easily assemble it in only a few minutes. Then came the software. By default, AirGradient loads it up with their own software that hooks up to their own dashboard. I loaded ESPHome on instead. Fortunately, multiple enthusiasts had configuration files for ESPHome, so it was set up in record time and reporting data, and mounted outside. With the air vents on the bottom, instead of my version, on the side, it should hopefully be resistant to the weather.

This was an incredibly simple build, supports customizable firmware, and was integrated into my Home Assistant and WeeWX installation just as quickly. I am already planning to purchase additional units for future projects.


In Massachusetts, An Overloaded Grid Stops The March Of Solar Energy

You’ve run the numbers on your new solar project. You expect a great ROI on your solar panels. But then, when you go to get the permits, you are told that the grid can only support an installation half the size of what you had scoped out, and, now, the numbers no longer make sense.  The Boston Globe recently reported that this is the reality for many in the state.

Massachusetts has long been a national leader in solar adoption, thanks in large part to an innovative incentive program that drove early developments. But now, it’s a different narrative: there’s very little room on the electric grid for new projects to connect.Hundreds of projects, totaling more than 400 megawatts, are being held up while the state and utilities determine how much additional electric infrastructure is needed and where, and who should pay for those upgrades.

Our antiquated grid is not set up to add capacity, not set up for reverse metering, not set up for even monitoring energy usage remotely.  This is quickly becoming a hindrance to the adoption of solar in Massachusetts and beyond.


Key Strategies For Maximizing Your Solar Panel ROI

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular as a renewable and cost-effective source of electricity. With the rising costs of traditional energy sources and the growing concern for the environment, more and more people are turning to solar panels to power their homes and businesses.

But investing in solar panels is a big decision, and it’s important to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. In this article, we’ll discuss key strategies for maximizing your solar panel ROI (return on investment) and how to use a solar panel ROI calculator to make informed decisions.

Why Is Solar Panel ROI Important?

Before we dive into strategies for maximizing your solar panel ROI, let’s first understand why it’s important.

Cost Savings

Solar panels on a rooftop

by Fer Troulik (

The primary reason for investing in solar panels is to save money on electricity bills. By generating your own electricity, you can reduce or even eliminate your reliance on traditional energy sources, which can save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your solar panels.

Return on Investment

Solar panels are a significant investment, and it’s important to know how long it will take for you to recoup that investment. By maximizing your solar panel ROI, you can ensure that you see a return on your investment in a reasonable amount of time.

Environmental Impact

In addition to cost savings, solar panels also have a positive impact on the environment. By using renewable energy, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Key Strategies for Maximizing Solar Panel ROI

Now that we understand the importance of solar panel ROI, let’s explore some key strategies for maximizing it.

1. Choose the Right Solar Panel System

The first step in maximizing your solar panel ROI is to choose the right system for your needs. There are various types of solar panels available, and it’s important to consider factors such as efficiency, durability, and cost when making your decision.

It’s also essential to consider the size of your system. A larger system may generate more electricity, but it will also come with a higher upfront cost. It’s important to find the right balance between cost and energy production to maximize your ROI.

2. Optimize Your Solar Panel Placement

Solar panel placement

by micheile henderson (

The placement of your solar panels can have a significant impact on their efficiency and, therefore, your ROI. It’s important to ensure that your panels are placed in an area that receives ample sunlight throughout the day.

If possible, avoid shading from trees or buildings, as this can reduce the amount of energy your panels can generate. Additionally, consider the angle of your panels to maximize their exposure to the sun.

3. Take Advantage of Incentives and Tax Credits

Many governments and utility companies offer incentives and tax credits for those who invest in solar panels. These can significantly reduce the upfront cost of your system and increase your ROI.

Be sure to research the incentives and tax credits available in your area and take advantage of them when making your solar panel investment.

4. Monitor and Maintain Your System

To ensure that your solar panels are operating at their maximum efficiency, it’s important to monitor and maintain them regularly. This includes cleaning the panels to remove any dirt or debris that may be blocking sunlight and checking for any damage or malfunctions.

By keeping your system in top condition, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your investment and maximizing your ROI.

Using a Solar Panel ROI Calculator

Solar panel ROI calculator

by Adam McCoid (

A solar panel ROI calculator is a valuable tool for anyone considering investing in solar panels. It allows you to input various factors such as system size, cost, and location to determine your potential ROI.

By using a solar panel ROI calculator, you can make informed decisions about your solar panel investment and ensure that you are getting the best possible return.

Real-World Examples of Solar Panel ROI

Let’s take a look at two real-world examples of solar panel ROI to better understand how it works.

Example 1: Residential Solar Panel System

John and Sarah are homeowners in California, and they are considering investing in a solar panel system for their home. After researching their options, they decide on a 5kW system that will cost them $15,000 upfront.

With the incentives and tax credits available in their area, they are able to reduce the cost to $10,000. They estimate that their system will generate $1,500 in electricity savings per year, resulting in a payback period of approximately 6.7 years.

After the payback period, they will continue to save $1,500 per year, resulting in a significant return on their investment.

Example 2: Commercial Solar Panel System

ABC Corporation is a manufacturing company in Arizona, and they are looking to reduce their energy costs and environmental impact. After researching their options, they decide to invest in a 100kW solar panel system that will cost them $200,000 upfront.

With the incentives and tax credits available in their area, they are able to reduce the cost to $150,000. They estimate that their system will generate $30,000 in electricity savings per year, resulting in a payback period of approximately 5 years.

After the payback period, they will continue to save $30,000 per year, resulting in a significant return on their investment.


Investing in solar panels is a smart decision for both cost savings and environmental impact. By choosing the right system, optimizing its placement, taking advantage of incentives, and using a solar panel ROI calculator, you can maximize your return on investment and reap the benefits of renewable energy for years to come.

Remember to regularly monitor and maintain your system to ensure that it continues to operate at its maximum efficiency. With these strategies in mind, you can confidently make the switch to solar and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer.

Deciding if a Whole House Battery Makes Economic Sense for You

In the evolving landscape of residential energy solutions, the concept of whole house batteries has gained prominence, promising increased energy independence and potential cost savings. However, deciding whether investing in a whole house battery makes economic sense for you requires careful consideration of various factors. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key considerations to help you make an informed decision.

Assessing Energy Usage Patterns:

Before diving into the world of whole house batteries, it’s crucial to understand your household’s energy usage patterns. Take a close look at your electricity bills over the past year to identify peak usage times, assess seasonal variations, and pinpoint areas where energy consumption can be optimized.

Understanding Utility Rate Structures:

Different utility companies offer various rate structures, including time-of-use pricing and demand charges. Familiarize yourself with your utility’s rate structure, as it can significantly impact the economic viability of a whole house battery. Batteries are particularly beneficial in areas with high electricity costs during peak hours.

Exploring Solar Integration:

If you have or plan to install solar panels on your property, a whole house battery can complement your solar energy system. During times of excess solar generation, the battery can store the surplus energy for use during periods of low solar production or high energy demand.

Calculating Return on Investment (ROI):

Determine the potential return on investment by considering the cost of the battery system, installation, and any applicable incentives or rebates. Compare this against the expected savings on your electricity bills over the battery’s lifespan. Many factors, including local incentives and the duration of power outages in your area, can influence the ROI.

Considering Power Outage Frequency:

If your area experiences frequent power outages, a whole house battery can serve as a reliable backup power source. Consider the inconvenience and potential costs associated with power outages when evaluating the economic sense of a battery system.

Evaluating Battery Lifespan and Maintenance Costs:

Whole house batteries have a limited lifespan, typically measured in cycles. Understand the expected lifespan of the battery system you’re considering and factor in any maintenance costs. Evaluate whether the potential long-term savings justify the initial investment.

Assessing Environmental Impact:

In addition to economic considerations, weigh the environmental impact of adopting a whole house battery. If reducing your carbon footprint is a priority, a battery system paired with solar panels can contribute to a more sustainable home energy solution.

Staying Informed about Technological Advancements:

The field of energy storage is evolving rapidly, with continuous technological advancements and decreasing costs. Stay informed about the latest developments, as future innovations may impact the economic viability of whole house batteries.

Empowering Your Energy Choices

Deciding whether a whole house battery makes economic sense for you is a personalized process that involves considering your unique circumstances, energy needs, and financial goals. By carefully assessing your energy usage patterns, understanding utility rates, and factoring in the potential benefits of solar integration, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your priorities. Whole house batteries represent a step toward greater energy independence and resilience, and with the right information, you can navigate this empowering choice for your home.

Are Solar Panels Worth It? A 2024 Guide

In a world increasingly focused on sustainable living and renewable energy, the question of whether solar panels are worth the investment has become more pertinent than ever. As we step into 2024, this guide aims to explore the factors that determine the worthiness of solar panels, considering technological advancements, financial implications, and environmental considerations.

The Evolution of Solar Technology:

The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solar panels have seen significant improvements over the years. Advances in photovoltaic technology, energy storage solutions, and manufacturing processes contribute to higher energy yields and lower costs. The 2024 landscape offers more reliable and efficient solar options than ever before.

Financial Incentives and Government Policies:

Many governments worldwide continue to incentivize the adoption of solar energy. Tax credits, rebates, and feed-in tariffs are among the financial perks that make solar installations more affordable. Before making a decision, it’s crucial to research and take advantage of the available incentives specific to your location.

Declining Solar Panel Costs:

The cost of solar panels has witnessed a steady decline, making the initial investment more accessible for homeowners. The decreasing cost, coupled with the potential for long-term energy savings, positions solar panels as a more economical choice in the current market.

Return on Investment (ROI):

Calculating the return on investment is a key consideration when determining the worth of solar panels. Factors such as local electricity rates, available incentives, and the amount of sunlight your location receives play a crucial role. Many homeowners experience a positive ROI within a reasonable timeframe, making solar panels a financially viable investment.

Energy Independence and Savings:

Solar panels provide an opportunity for homeowners to generate their own electricity, reducing reliance on traditional utility grids. This not only contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle but also shields homeowners from the volatility of energy prices, offering long-term savings and stability.

Environmental Impact:

Beyond financial considerations, the environmental impact of solar panels cannot be overstated. By harnessing energy from the sun, solar power reduces reliance on fossil fuels, cutting down greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in solar panels aligns with the global push for sustainable practices and a greener future.

Advancements in Energy Storage:

The integration of energy storage solutions, such as solar batteries, enhances the appeal of solar panels. Homeowners can store excess energy generated during the day for use during peak hours or cloudy days, providing a more reliable and continuous power supply.

Increased Home Value:

Studies have shown that homes equipped with solar panels tend to have higher resale values. The eco-friendly and cost-saving aspects of solar energy contribute to the appeal of a property, making it an attractive investment for potential buyers.

Making an Informed Decision

As we navigate the landscape of 2024, the question of whether solar panels are worth it becomes increasingly nuanced. Technological advancements, financial incentives, and environmental consciousness converge to make solar energy a compelling choice for homeowners. By weighing the upfront costs against long-term benefits and considering the broader impact on sustainability, individuals can make informed decisions that align with both their financial goals and environmental values. Ultimately, the decision to invest in solar panels represents not only a commitment to personal financial savings but also a contribution to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

Chasing the Northern Sun: Are Solar Panels Worthwhile in Cold Climes?

The adoption of solar panels as a clean and sustainable energy source has been on the rise, but one lingering question persists: Are solar panels worthwhile in the northern states, where winters can be long and sunlight scarce? In this blog post, we’ll explore the considerations and benefits of investing in solar panels in colder, northern regions.

1. Sunlight Availability: Debunking the Myth

Contrary to popular belief, solar panels can still generate power in northern states, even during overcast days and winter months. While the overall sunlight exposure may be less than in sunnier regions, modern solar technology is designed to capture and convert even diffuse sunlight into electricity.

2. Panel Efficiency Improvements: Cold Weather Advantages

Believe it or not, solar panels often perform more efficiently in colder temperatures. The conductivity of cold temperatures can enhance the movement of electrons, leading to a slight increase in efficiency. This means that, in some cases, solar panels may produce more power per unit of sunlight during colder seasons.

3. Snowfall Considerations: Winter Challenges

Snow accumulation on solar panels can temporarily reduce their energy production. However, many solar panel installations are designed with angled surfaces that encourage snow to slide off. Additionally, the dark color of most solar panels absorbs sunlight, contributing to natural snowmelt. In cases of heavy snowfall, occasional manual clearing may be required for optimal performance.

4. Financial Incentives: Leveraging Support

Many northern states offer enticing financial incentives to promote solar adoption. These can include tax credits, rebates, and performance-based incentives. Researching and taking advantage of these programs can significantly reduce the upfront costs of installing a solar energy system.

5. Net Metering: Banking on Excess Energy

Net metering policies, common in many states, allow solar panel owners to feed excess energy back into the grid. During sunnier periods, when energy production exceeds consumption, homeowners can earn credits that offset future electricity bills. This is particularly advantageous in regions with varying sunlight levels throughout the year.

6. Battery Storage: Winter Energy Reserves

To address the intermittency of sunlight in winter, homeowners can invest in battery storage systems. These batteries store excess energy generated during sunny periods for use during cloudy days or at night. Battery technology advancements make it increasingly feasible for homeowners to have reliable energy reserves year-round.

7. Environmental Impact: A Green Footprint Regardless

Even in northern states, investing in solar panels contributes to a greener, more sustainable environment. Reducing dependence on traditional power sources and lowering carbon emissions remain critical global goals, and solar panels play a crucial role in achieving these objectives, regardless of the geographical location.

Conclusion: Tapping into Northern Potential

While northern states may not boast the same sunlight abundance as their southern counterparts, solar panels are undoubtedly a worthwhile investment. Technological advancements, financial incentives, and the positive environmental impact make solar energy a viable and attractive option for homeowners in colder climates. By leveraging available resources, understanding regional challenges, and adopting complementary technologies, residents of northern states can tap into the vast potential of solar energy, contributing to both personal energy savings and a more sustainable future.

Understanding the Payback Period on Solar Panels for Your Home

Investing in solar panels for your home is not only a commitment to clean energy but also a financial decision with long-term implications. One key metric that homeowners often consider when contemplating solar installation is the payback period—the time it takes for the savings on your electricity bills to offset the initial cost of the solar panel system. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the concept of the payback period, factors influencing it, and how to determine if solar panels are a financially savvy choice for your home.

What is the Payback Period?

The payback period is the duration it takes for the cumulative savings on your electricity bills to equal the initial investment in your solar panel system. Once the savings surpass the upfront cost, you start reaping the financial benefits of your solar investment.

Factors Influencing the Payback Period:

  • Upfront Cost: The total cost of purchasing and installing your solar panel system, factoring in any incentives, tax credits, or rebates.
  • Solar Panel Efficiency: The efficiency of your solar panels determines how much electricity they can generate. Higher efficiency may result in quicker payback periods.
  • Local Sunlight Conditions: The amount of sunlight your location receives directly impacts the energy output of your solar panels. Sunnier climates generally lead to shorter payback periods.
  • Electricity Rates: The current and future electricity rates in your area influence the savings generated by your solar panels. Higher rates often result in shorter payback periods.
  • Government Incentives: Federal, state, or local incentives, tax credits, and rebates can significantly reduce the upfront cost, accelerating the payback period.

Calculating the Payback Period:

To estimate your solar panel system’s payback period:

  • Determine Total Cost: Calculate the total cost of purchasing and installing the solar panels.
  • Estimate Savings: Estimate the annual savings on your electricity bills, factoring in the expected energy production of your solar panels.
  • Consider Incentives: Subtract any incentives, tax credits, or rebates from the total cost.
  • Divide Total Cost by Annual Savings: The result is the payback period in years.

Average Payback Periods:

The average payback period for solar panels often falls within the range of 5 to 15 years, depending on the factors mentioned above. Shorter payback periods are generally more favorable for homeowners seeking quicker returns on their investment.

Long-Term Savings and Benefits:

While the payback period is a crucial metric, it’s essential to consider the long-term savings and benefits of solar panels. Once the payback period is over, your solar panels continue to generate free, clean energy, reducing your reliance on the grid and potentially increasing your home’s resale value.

Making an Informed Solar Investment

Understanding the payback period is integral to making an informed decision about installing solar panels for your home. By considering the upfront cost, local conditions, available incentives, and estimated savings, you can gauge the financial viability of solar energy for your specific situation. Keep in mind that solar panels are a long-term investment with environmental and financial benefits that extend well beyond the payback period. Embracing solar power is not just a commitment to sustainable living but also a smart financial move for those looking to harness the power of the sun.