In Brief: HDHomeRun Prime Now Supports DLNA

SiliconDust has finally released the option of DLNA support for its HDHomeRun Prime. As of last week, this feature is available for general release.

SiliconDust HD HomeRun (HDHR) network dual-tun...

The limitation is that protected content can only be streamed to a player supporting DTCP-IP. This is a potential problem, as support is limited. SiliconDust does have plans to release an Android app. They did release an app(Link) for unencypted channels, which goes for $2.99.

Not much help right now, but if more devices can be made to support this, it could be an alternative to cable boxes, even for those of us unfortunate enough to be on Time Warner Cable. Imagine a single 4 tuner Prime and a series of inexpensive DLNA DTCP-IP devices could be a replacement for the $10-$15 per month cable boxes. The entire setup could pay for itself in less than a year.