The iPad…You Can Do Better

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

If you’ve read this blog before, you know we have some very legitimate issues with Apple products, while accepting that they have some useful and popular designs.

The iPad is essentially a giant iPod Touch, with a 10 inch screen, and the ability to run iPhone applications. There are criticisms, many of which are legitimate, but like many things, many wlll accept it because they’ve drank the Apple koolaid and because it has those good features.

Some think it may challenge the Kindle, but while the Kindle certainly has its problems, the iPad uses a conventional LCD screen, which may create readability issues for some over high-contrast E-ink screen of a Kindle or any of its current challengers. As part of the launch, Apple will launch iBook, their own online book store. We look forward to seeing how this plays out.

Can the downsides, and Apple’s unwillingness to respond to public feature requests be overcome by the fact that it is a cool giant iPod Touch with a new E-book service? We’ll wait and see.

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