Mimo Mini-Monitors

Mimo 710 Monitor
Mimo 710 Monitor

We recently came across a review of the Mimo 710 7″ USB-connected monitor. With a current list price of $129.99(may change in the future), this miniature monitor uses a single USB connection for both data and power, offering an 800×480 resolution, the same as a digital photo frame, and weighs only 1.3lbs, making it the perfect accessory for those people who need extra screen real estate, but not a full sized monitor. They can be oriented horizontally or vertically for use.

The $199 740 model adds a touchscreen, audio jacks, a USB port, and a webcam to the package.

Mimo advertises it as extra space for things such as an IM client, widgets, toolbars, etc. As of now, drivers for the display and touchscreen are available for Windows and a Display Only driver for Mac OS X. Drivers are not currently available for Linux, but we have high hopes.

Several reviews suggest this item would be an ideal accessory for a netbook, being as it has a rather small form factor as well, and users may need the extra room sometimes. We could also see it used for people who want a place for the above information, but don’t want to use up the desk space for a regular monitor.

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